Hire Train Deploy
Hire Train Deploy
Hire Train Deploy

Hire Train Deploy (HTD) as a service is a comprehensive approach in the field of human resources and talent management. This service model is designed to help companies efficiently address their staffing needs, especially in technical or specialized roles.


It involves three main phases: hiring, training, and deployment.


Hire: In this phase, the service provider collaborates with the client company to identify the specific skill sets and roles they need to fill within their organization. The service provider assists in sourcing potential candidates through various channels such as job boards, social media, and networking events. This phase includes the recruitment process, where the service provider screens and shortlists candidates who match the required qualifications and cultural fit of the client company.


Train: Once the candidates are selected, the training phase begins. The service provider offers specialized training programs tailored to the specific needs of the client company. The training can encompass technical skills, domain knowledge, soft skills, and any other competencies necessary for the role. This training phase can vary in length and intensity depending on the complexity of the role and the candidate's existing skills.


Deploy: After completing the training phase, the candidates are ready to be deployed to the client company. They join the organization as fully prepared and equipped professionals who are capable of immediately contributing to their assigned roles. This phase aims to minimize the 'ramp-up' time usually required for new hires to become productive. Candidates are often supported during their initial integration into the company to ensure a smooth transition.


The 'Hire Train Deploy' service model offers several benefits:


Time and Cost Efficiency: The service provider handles candidate sourcing, reducing the time and effort required for the client company's HR team to find suitable candidates. Moreover, the training phase ensures that candidates are job-ready, reducing the need for extensive on-the-job training.


Skill Alignment: The training phase is customized to align with the client company's specific requirements. This helps ensure that the candidates have the exact skills needed for the role, potentially reducing skill gaps.


Reduced Risk: Candidates are thoroughly screened and trained by the service provider, which can reduce the risk of hiring candidates who might not be a good fit for the role or the company culture.


Faster Onboarding: Since candidates have already undergone training, their onboarding process is streamlined, allowing them to quickly contribute to the company's projects and goals.


Flexibility: This service model is particularly useful for companies that experience fluctuations in their staffing needs. They can quickly hire, train, and deploy candidates as needed.


In summary, 'Hire Train Deploy' as a service offers end-to-end support for companies seeking skilled talent. It streamlines the entire process, from finding candidates to preparing them for their roles, ultimately helping companies achieve their goals more effectively.


Vibrant Solutions have helped companies of all size to fulfill their HCM requirements. You can contact us to know more about our offerings tailor made to your companies requirements.

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